Monday 18 March 2013

Argh! How long...

... does this go on for? I am still suffering with sinusitis and recovering from the flu. Admittedly sinus issues, allergies affecting my sinuses and Trigeminal Neuralgia are chronic issues that I deal with for vast portions of the year, but... but...but this knocked me because it followed the bad flu... it feels like when you can't catch a break. I was merrily floating forwards in a chronic sickness forward way (as in: this is all subject to change at a moment's notice), or so I thought, and then this stopped me in my tracks. To be fair, I am feeling A LOT better than I was, but I still have the sinusitis making me feel yucky and it's so draining on the system trying to fight the infection.

So anyway, in good news, I am still at 3mg of LDN and I do feel that it is doing something. Underneath all the recent viral infection, I can feel a sense of a stronger baseline. I feel that at least I have stayed static for sometime, whereas pre-LDN I seemed to be progressively getting worse, which had started to scare me. There is hope there. I remind myself I am not even near the full dose yet, and so there is continued room for improvement. If a full dose of LDN enabled me to have even 10% more functioning than I do now, it would be amazing and I would be very grateful.

Lastly, I had to post this...


I found it brought a smile to my face (perhaps that should be an ironic smile) and gave me a giggle. As the years go by, dealing with the skepticism and the less than helpful reactions becomes more normal and less unexpected. I feel that, as sad as it is that the M.E. community has to deal with these reactions, the impact they have on someone like me becomes lesser with time. I no longer need validation, and that enables me to be able to laugh at the absurdity of the situation and to own it instead of being governed by it.

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