Friday 25 January 2013

Congratulations to ME!

I feel the need to congratulate myself. Yesterday, I upped and offed, and took myself and a big bag of bits of equipment (see picture) to a new class. I was extremely hesitant about going to this class as the dreamer wanted so desperately to do it and the realist knew that M.E. and hairdressing don't really mix.

I was quite worried about standing, and also the 'arm factor', but there was little standing and what there was came in small bouts. It was doable. The arms, well they shouldn't be stuck out like a couple of chicken wings, but held close to the body, which helps to preserve energy and decrease pain/strain on muscle. Plus it's not like the scissors are dead weights or anything, so again it was doable. Whether or not wielding a hairdryer is as possible, I am not so sure!

The reality is that from a professional point of view, this direction makes sense. A wig maker with cutting, styling and dressing skills, is far more useful and employable than someone who can only ventilate or only make foundations (the wig cap/base). I am a big believer in adding skills where and when I can. You never know when they might prove useful.

Anyway, I am patting myself on the back for not letting my own fears get in the way of me trying new things. I do think sometimes with sickness, you have to try things and see if they work for you. It's impossible for me to know if I can actually physically do this, unless I give it a shot. Not being able to do it does not equal failure - I have to learn that too.

Of course today, I am PEM-sick. I feel like something the cat dragged in, but at the same time I can accept it because I got to do something I wanted to do, that was fun and social, and it is worth the M.E. aftermath. Pretty much today is ruled out as a 'nothing' day; I am lying on the couch, but I might actually go to bed.

I just quickly want to also talk about Vitamin C. I read on a forum the other day that someone was taking several things for the crushing fatigue that I has been complaining about and madly researching, and I noticed one of the things they were taking was high dose Vitamin C. Last year, I went through a phase of also taking Vitamin C in highish doses, and I remember that I felt quite a lot better in the energy department. So I went to the cupboard, fished out the Vitamin C and started taking it. I also have now added Acai Berry capsules, a probiotic, and a female multi vitamin/mineral to the mix.

Well, what a difference! Within 2 days of taking 1000mg of Vitamin C, I started feeling the crushing fatigue lifting. It baffles me in a way, because I don't really understand why it is so effective. I must point out, I take a certain type of the vitamin called Ester-C, which is non-acidic and stomach friendly. I take this one:

I am going to do more research into why this might be working for me. One noteworthy thing, if you take Vitamin C, it is possible your calcium levels may be affected. I am also already supplementing with Vitamin D, Magnesium and Calcium.

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